can you extract different instrument parts from orchestral scores and print them if you belong to Musescore?

• Sep 20, 2022 - 23:29

How do you make extracts or can you not do it with orchestral scores in Musescore?


This has nothing to do with "belonging" to something or not. There is no membership required or even available that is connected to the completely free and open source music notation program MuseScore.

To generate parts with MuseScore, simply use File / Parts. See the Handbook (in the Help menu_ for more info on parts.

As a completely unrelated separate matte,r you can if you wish subscript to the commercial score-sharing website if you want to download copyright scores etc. But this has absolutely nothing to do with your ability to use the free and open source music notation software MuseScore. For questions about that website, best to ask over there.

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