
• Oct 7, 2022 - 22:50

I have Musescore 3 and I want to change the dynamics of my score. In fact even though I have changed the key now it won't let me, and now I can't find the "scores" folder. Some help would be appreciated.


The fastest way to find your scores folder is to "save as" of an open score. The path to the last folder you saved something to will be listed at the top of the window that opens.
Select the note where you want to place a dynamic. Open the Dynamics palette and select the dynamic you want. Make sure you aren't in note input mode.

It's not really clear what you are asking here, but if you explain in more detail, we can assist better. Is your question about dynamics, key, or file locations? WHht precisely are you doing, what do you expect to see happen, and what happens instead?

Your Scores folder would normally be right underneath your Documents folder, BTW.

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