Multiple crashes with Musescore 3

• Nov 14, 2022 - 00:08

I'm unable to open 3 now since I had more ram added to my laptop. Where do I go from here?
I can open 2 - but most of the files are in the 3 format - so inaccessible. I've re-booted, uninstalled and re-installed 3x. No success. Any ideas? Thanks.


In reply to by spojaw

Press Esc.
It is the telemetry dialog and Esc will cancel out of there without giving telemetry consent.

Though if that doesn't show as it should with you being on Windows, then there's a chance you won't see palettes either because your graphics driver is not supporting at least OpenGL 2.1

In reply to by spojaw

I think adding ram should have zero negative effect on software. Just make it run better. Something else is going on. Are you sure all your ram is installed and being seen by your computer?
Uninstall is mostly useless. You need to delete everything MuseScore related except your scores. Delete MuseScore folders from Program Data and Program Files in your C: drive. Also any in Documents. Again save your scores folder. There are also things in AppData (if on Windows), but those are tricky to get to if you don't know how. It involves hidden folders. Personally, I would also run a Registry cleaner (Windows). Then reinstall.

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