Time signature change bug

• Jan 5, 2023 - 17:39
Reported version
S3 - Major
by design

Time signature change deletes all of my line breaks and glissandi. That's all, that's the major bug. Every time, don't know how to avoid this.

OS: macOS 12.6, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.0.0-223472200, revision: 5485621


Sorry, line breaks are called system breaks in Musescore. It deletes the system breaks, which I laboriously created.

Reported version 4.x-dev 3.6

I have logged the issue about glissandos as a development task in https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/15726.

Preserving system breaks might be problematic because when changing the time signature, the bar lines end up in different places, so it is not clear where the new system break should be placed after the new bar lines have been placed. We might try to preserve the breaks in those places where bar lines coincidentally end up in the same places as before.

Status active by design

The time signature and system break issue is by design and unavailable
The glissando issue is on GitHub now, so we can close this here

"We might try to preserve the breaks in those places where bar lines coincidentally end up in the same places as before."
This would be perfect, that is in my case so. Thank you

Unlikely to ever happen. Because e.g. barlines take space, left and right, so more barlines at same amount of notes and rests still needs more space and so different system breaks. Only for 'compatible' time signatures, like 4/4 and 2/2 this works and actually happens already.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The fact that 2 2/4 measures takes more space than 1 4/4 measure is true.
But that's absolutely no reason to remove the manually set system breaks.
The user should be left free to delete or change them if he wants to. Always removing is not a technical obligation, it was a design decision.

In my case, it's Flamenco specific. Solea for Buleria, I have four 3/4 measures (12 beats), and I want it to change to two 3/4 and four 2/4 (also 12 beats), kind of a hemiola. If it will happen, great, but now I know how Musescore behaves, I can handle it.