Musescore 4 is vastly worse than 3 in many ways

• Feb 10, 2023 - 04:39

Muscescore 3 bugged out and won't start up now probably because it can't handle my dual monitor setup. It's stuck on one and I can't move it over to the other, so I got Musescore4. And it's disgusting.

I can't easily change the midi playback sounds like I used to, I have to go through the malarkey of the sound library or whatever. The sustain brackets are almost totally dysfunctional as they never release or something. It just sounds terrible and the entire piece is filled with incorrect sustain sounds. It doesn't even reflect what is written. And there's no way to disable them in the playback.

When pressing the button to rewind the playback to the beginning, the view doesn't jump to the start of the score anymore.

The midi trying to follow the scoops and slides is ABHORANT. I always thought it would be cool if it did but apparently not. It is completely disgusting. And there's no way to disable them either from what I can find.

Also no dark mode like before.

There are plenty of interesting upgrades though like the playback following gradual tempo changes without having to plug in a new tempo every two beats, but that new benefit stands alone as far as I can tell.

Hopefully, these are just bugs that will get ironed out, but this is utterly disappointing. It's a good thing this isn't paid software but I suppose you get what you pay for.

EDIT: Some scores I need for recording next week I can no longer open in Musescore 3 and the .musicxml thing does not work. Musescore has F***D me with their garbage update. If anyone knows how to downgrade the files like we used to do from version 3 to 2 please let me know. This is unacceptable for this to have ever happened.


Get 7-Zip and extract the MS4 file with it. The result will be a file that has the MS3 icon. right click on it and select open with MS3.
Sounds like you needed a repair of MS3.
I actually prefer MS4.
Did you look at the recommended computer specs for MS4?

Mu3 works just fine in dual screen
Mu4 dies have a dark mode, just like Mu3, and just like there it isn't the default but needs to get switch to in Preferences
What are sustain brackets?
Downgrading scores from 4 to 3 is done the very same way as 3 to 2: export to MusicXML

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