Playback is not following Voltas with multiple repeats correctly (MuseScore 4)

• Feb 18, 2023 - 17:13
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voltabug.mscz 16.19 KB


I don't think you need the fourth ending to be marked as such. Without it the score plays the prior section 3 times then moves on properly.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

And it gets stranger than that. This simple repeat structure doesn't work in MS3 either. And yes, changing the play count fixes it. Doesn't make any sense, though.
And in MS4 changing the play count does make notes not play. That is until you delete the header. Then all notes sound, but playback order is still not correct.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Fair enough. It's just that the software I come from doesn't work that way.
Just for the fun it, consider this. When you set up measure 3 with the needed endings, you give it 1-3 numbered endings. When you look at the measure properties it says the play count is 3. So you have to change to 4 the play count for measure 3. Even though measure 3 only plays 3 times. I would think that should be a function of the repeat barline.
But no matter. The way to fix this file is to set the playback to 4, and delete the fourth ending line. Then it plays properly, all notes included.

In reply to by bobjp

When I first started using Musescore, I had the same understanding problem.

The play count setting is assigned as a property to measure 3. And this measure is played three times here, not four. This is a little confusing.

Maybe it should have been a property of the right repeat bar, or the field should have been given a different name, something like: Go n times to the left repeat bar.

It was decided by the software developers the way it is now and if you know it, you can live well with it.

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