Recovering a lost Score

• Feb 19, 2023 - 05:18

Hello all,
Is there any way of recovering a lost score project? I had 2 scores one is called "Band is Fun" and the other "Band Theme Song". I however accidentally replaced "Band is Fun" with "Band Theme Song" because the names are close and my eyes missed. I can always rewrite but the time it would take is another story which I am sure you can understand me asking for help here.

I am just brainstorming. I saved the file and replaced the other. Oh crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any advice? I am using a Mac....


My advice (too little too late): install an external backup disk and back up everything important once a week with a backup script/batch file

Habits can be beneficial, sometimes... After working on a composition and saving it as, say, "winds_strings_waltz.mscz", when I exit MuseScore, I immediately go to the Scores subdirectory, and COPY "winds_strings_waltz.mscz" to a 2nd file "winds_strings_waltz_safe1.mscz". The next editing session to said composition, I'll save it normally, then do another copy to "winds_strings_waltz_safe2.mscz". This has saved my butt enough times to keep doing so. Just a suggestion...

Somewhere on your computer is a backup folder and an auto save folder. The back up folder is usually in your scores folder. But it is a "hidden" folder. The auto save folder is hidden also, but at another location. See this "How To" It is for MS3. I think locations are the same. You will need to Google how to un-hide folders.

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