How do I remove scores from my start page in musescore?

• Feb 24, 2023 - 15:15

I have a problem with removing scores from the musescore start page.


I assume you are talking about the recent score list that appears on the Home tab? It updates automatically to show your most recently used scores. There's nothing in particular to be gained from removing something from the list, but you can always use "File / Open recent / Clear recent files" to reset it completely. Note your scores themselves are never affected by any of this - they are just ordinary files on your computer that you would would delete normally.

It's possible a future update may contain a control to remove files from the recent list individually.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

"It's possible a future update may contain a control to remove files from the recent list individually."

This would be very useful and would be welcomed. A similar question has been asked on the French forum in recent days.

I was about to ask for this feature which, it seems to me, should not be too difficult to implement, inspired by what has been done on LibreOffice. It seems to me that it would be necessary to manipulate the Musescore.ini file (you can do it with a text editor at your own risk ;-) )

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