Ledger line issue when changing offset for pitches

• Feb 28, 2023 - 02:13

I'm trying to make the notes in these measures more centered for a textbook chapter I am working on.

For some reason, when I change the horizontal offset, the note heads move over but the ledger line doesn't shift, it just elongates (see attached image)--which is super annoying! Anything I am missing or is this a bug of some kind?

(I'm using musescore 3 for the time being because of my beloved camera icon.)


Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2023-02-27 at 9.09.47 PM.png 13.99 KB


Hard to say much from just a picture, but if you attach your actual score, we can understand and assist better. It should work to move the entire chord, but maybe you tried moving notes individually?

As for the camera icon, note that your OS provide similar functionality built in - you really don't need the duplicate functionality in MU3 except for some unusual special cases. But it will no doubt return in a future update.

In reply to by mehoaag

Yes, that's exactly what I mean about moving note individually - don't do that. Don't move each note by selecting them all and applying an offset to each of them. Instead move the entire chord, using the chord offset section in the Inspector. So, select any one note in the chord and set that. The ledger lines belong to the chord and not to any individual note, that's why they don't move when you move notes individually.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks! Are you referring to a screenshot? When I take a screenshot, the back of the image is slightly grey. The camera tool produces a much better image. (I'm on a MacBook Pro.)

I saw the other note about selecting the chords as objects--makes sense. I would never have thought of that. thanks!

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