
• Jun 30, 2023 - 01:56

The playback is horrible on my version. I like the layout of the program. It makes it super easy to make a score or even a guitar, mandolin, ukulele, banjo, and piano score. Once I got use to the new layout it is just better than MuseScore 3. But I don't know what to do about the playback portion of this new program.

I took a simple song to send to you and hopefully you can hear what I hear when I play it back. Basically I took a piano/guitar voice song and copied it so I had the bass and voice with the guitar chords.
My program is really choppy and is hard to follow along listening to the tune. I am thinking I should just remove the program and reinstall it hoping that fixes the problem of playback.
Scott Humphries

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A common issue is a sample rate mismatch in your audio device. Find its settings in your OS and try 44.1 kHz. Also try upping the sample rate within MuseScore, in Edit / Preferences / I/O.

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