Different time signatures between staffs

• Jul 6, 2023 - 14:04

Hey everyone, I'm trying to engrave a concerto in which the solo part (sometimes) has a different time signature than the ensemble. I'm only copying down the piano reduction in the score and the solo part, and I have figured out how to create different time signatures between the two. The issue I'm encountering is stretching the staffs and changing barlines to make it mathematically correct (e.g. if the piano is in 4/4 and the solo is in 3/4, the barline for the solop part would need to be present at beat 4 of the piano part- see the attached file "score page" to see the original document). How do I do this? And, is there any easier way to do this that I'm unaware of? Thanks!

Attached is the page from the score and the MSCZ file I'm copying it onto. 31-40 is the main measure range I need help on, but there's some others later in the piece.

Attachment Size
score page.pdf 628.39 KB
Piano Reduction - Marx Konzert.mscz 73.45 KB


There is no really simple way, but the "brute force" way does work: just hide barlines you don't want to see, add mid-measures where you need. Some amount of finding "least common denominator" time signatures may also provide useful - eg, using 12/4 for passages where you will need to insert mid-measure barlines for 4/4 on some staves and 3/4 in others. And I guess also adding the time signature indications as symbols attached to the barlines.

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