Corrupted score

• Jul 16, 2023 - 03:09

Musescore is not allowing me to save to the cloud, and is warning me when attempting to save locally, due to a 'corrupted file'. However, everything looks and sounds fine, and I had not saved it prior to this as I have only started recently.
I decided to save it locally anyway and, as a test, loaded it up again and, despite Musescore again warning me that the file was corrupted, it sounds and looks just fine.

Attachment Size
image_2023-07-16_030828181.png 19.73 KB


In reply to by murphyethan06

But in measure 20, staff 6 voice 2 is a mistake. It is there otherwise it would not be reported: Voice 2 does not fit the 4/4 time signature. Perhaps bar 21 is also affected (the length 25/16 of bar 20 indicates this).
The best thing to do: insert a bar before bar 20, copy all notes of the staves except staff 2 into this new bar and rewrite this single bar again.
If bar 21 is also affected, you have to insert two new bars and rewrite both.
Then at the end delete the old bar 21 (and if necessary also bar 22) with Ctrl-Del.
Unfortunately it is not always easy to fix this.

Or attach the score here and someone will take a closer look.

You wrote:
As I say, visually there is nothing wrong.

Note that when interpreting the corruption details...
Be sure you are at the "real" bar 20 and you confirm such on the Status Bar:
look at #7.

This is important because if you have a pickup, or other measure(s) excluded from the count, the (nominal) bar number that shows/prints in the score may differ from the (actual) number as shown in the corruption details and status bar.

If nothing else helps, attach your score:

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