unwanted clef change

• Oct 5, 2014 - 04:01

Using musescore Version 1.3, Rev: 5702 on a linux box (Kubuntu 1404)

I am working on an arrangement for string trio (violin, viola, cello) of the Bach organ trio sonatas.
Everything is going very well (I've finished five of the six). One strange problem has just appeared: When I print the viola part to pdf, some measures that require a modest position shift are (correctly) changed from alto (viola) clef to treble clef for no apparent reason. I suppose this might be a useful feature under some circumstances but I'd love to know how to turn it off. I've spent lots of time searching the forums and the handbook for a clue and haven't found one.
The weird thing is that the clef change does not appear in the mscz file.
I only see this transformation when I print the file.
Another weird thing is that it consistently does this unwanted clef change when I print the entirte viola part from the mscz file, but when I created a test score consisting of the three affected measures from the part and printed from that tiny file, there was no clef change.
Can anyone help with this?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Shortly after I posted my comment (just before I got too sleepy to continue working) I recreated the viola part from the score (which I had been reluctant to do because it entails spending quite a lot of time diddling with the formatting to make sure that the page breaks are in reasonable places*).
The new viola part mscz file eliminated the problem.
The combination of my sleepiness and my delight in having the problem disappear caused me to overwrite the original mscz file so that I now have nothing to show you.
So, despite its intriguing peculiarity, my problem has been reduced to a candidate for the Journal of Irreproducible Results.
Nonetheless, I greatly appreciate your impulse to help me!

* The violin and viola parts tend to be busy and unrelenting with very few rests that are long enough for a page turn. I did, however, manage to devise a way, using Avery "reference sheet protectors" PV119G - 74102, to have up to four pages visible on the stand (modulo sagging due to gravity - which might require a stand extension).

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