Fine location

• Sep 8, 2023 - 19:30

In Musescore 3, can I place the Fine midmeasure? My score repeats several times and the the measure for ending includes a last note that serves as a pickup for the rest of the piece. T'filati (bass in treble clef).mscz

I'd like Fine to be after count 2 in measure 8.

Thank you.

Attachment Size
T'filati (bass in treble clef).mscz 32.57 KB


But you can select the note of count 3 and then use "Tools/Measure/Split measure before selected note/rest". Then you can place the 'Fine' in the now shorter measure 8.
Hide the new bar line and exclude the new measure 9 from measure count.

In reply to by HildeK

Thank you so much. This worked perfectly (as you knew it would!) I deal with many odd rhythms and have used dotted barlines to help break up complex patterns like 17 that is played (and danced) as 8 + 9 but was not aware of this added flexibility. Thank you again.

In reply to by henryt

Thank you again. While you were adjusting my score I, also, was doing the same - with the same result, and I posted the score on MuseScore. You and the rest of the MuseScore community are a wonderful resource for all of us.

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