Chords Simbols

• Oct 13, 2023 - 15:47

I am working with MuseScore3 very well and I like these program. I have Window 10, but on my other computer I have Window 11. Everything is ok, but when I add chords simbols, they don't playback. I have only melody without chords. I think the reason is Window 11.
On computer with Window 10 if I open INSPECTOR and activate chord simbol I have ooption PLAY - INTERPRETATION -Voicing and Duration, but on other computer Window 11 I haven't such option.
What I could do?


In the Inspector, there is a check box called "Play" for each individual chord. I don't use Win 11, but I can't imagine there is a difference with any other operating system.
But there is also a checkbox in "Format/Style/Chord Symbols" that enables chord playback globally.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

No, it’s on the playback toolbar along with the global repeats setting etc. Given there are also mixer channels per score, having two conflicting per-score settings and no global setting never really made that much sense to begin with. So now it is both simpler and more flexible.

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