Musescore 4 Crash in first launch

• Nov 9, 2023 - 16:54

Hi ! I've install MuseScore 4 in standalone on my Mac Mini M1 16go RAM / 512 SSD / MAC OS MONTEREY 12.5.1

I can't use it ! MuseScore try to scan my VSTs but it's instantly freezing and never work again. I must forcequit. I can't cancel pluginscan

I've tried to uninstall and reinstall with Muse Hub but, I have the same issue.
I've tchecked MuseScore Autorisation in my system preferences and it's OK.
I don't now what to do.

Thanks for the help


I've finally found the solution ! That's a specific plugin who makes Musescore 4 crashing (SPL Hawkeye). So I uninstalled this VST an Musescore works.

Problem this VST Plugin is a very useful one for me as mixing engineer, because that's a multiple analyser.
Unfortunatly, it's not possible to desactivate VST scan in Musescore ...

But ! I just create an empty folder and set this emptyfolder as the "default VST folder" in Musescore preferences. So now, Muscore is "scanning" only this folder and works even if I have the Hawkeye plugin install.

Hope it can help someone, one day...
And jope that my english is not so awful, because I'm French and I'm not writting english so often.

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