I cant't open my score

• Dec 12, 2023 - 21:36

Hi, I saved my score to the cloud and now I am unable to open it. I have tried a bunch of things and I'm not able to access it. Is there anything you can do? This score is very important to me. I would really appreciate it if I could get back to my score. Thank you.


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I don't save to the cloud for this very reason. So I just tried it to see how it works (or doesn't). Turns out that "the cloud" is MuseScore.com. Because I have a free .org account (needed to post on the forum) I also have a free .com account. I went to my page on .com and there was the score that I had just saved.
Worth a shot to go to .com and see if your score can be downloaded or opened from there. In the forum, select the down arrow in the upper right next to your icon and user name. Select dashboard. You might have to sign in. Like you did to save anyway. Go to your scores. Good luck.

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