How to reset beams in 7/4 time signature

• May 4, 2024 - 03:22

I cannot get the beams to reset in 7/4 time signature despite trying the suggestions in the manual. 6/4 is beamed according to 1/4 notes, but the 7/4 insists on beaming all beats together.


The instructions in the handbook should work.

Attach the score (.mscz file) where you have tried but failed to get what you want so that someone can see what settings you have adjusted and what is going wrong.

How the beaming is done is a setting in the properties of the time signature.
So select the 7/4 signature item and have a look in its properties and modify the beaming there.
Here's an example of what you could do. However, I don't know what kind of beaming you prefer:
And you can create an additional 7/4 time signature with your preferred beaming style for future use.
You can also customize the beaming for a measure individually using the "Beam Properties" palette.

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