IMporting XML files (created in Musescore) into other notation software

• Jun 4, 2024 - 17:25

I am totally new to Musescore, currently in transition from Print Music 2011 (part of the Finale family). I ran a test, exporting a little file I created in Musescore as an XML and then tried importing it into PM 2011. The result was this error message: "XML setup error; string index out of range; -1". I've imported XMLs previously into PM 2011 but not this time. Has anyone else had this issue, whether with FInale products or others, or can offer any advice? I realise PM 2011 is very old software and maybe that is the problem. I also tried going in the other direction and MS imported an XML that had originated in PM 2011, with no problems at all. WHile I am transitioning from one to the other I may need to move between the two and hence the question. Btw I also exported my test piece in MS as a MIDI file and PM imported that no problem though of course the lyrics had disappeared. Attached is the file I created in MS (both the original and the XML version) which may help if anyone has time to review this.


Attachment Size
Easter-2.mscz 36.72 KB
Easter-2.xml 67.97 KB


Finale NotePad 2012 also reports an issue with the XML file and is more helpful by providing a more descriptive error message. It complains about line 63, which specifies the size of the grace-cue note. Removing this line results in an error free import into NotePad.

MuseScore generates output using the latest (4.0) version of MusicXML. The grace-cue note size feature was added to MusicXML in version 3.1 of December 2017.

Could you try the attached file to verify this ?

Attachment Size
Easter-2-no-grace-cue.xml 67.93 KB

In reply to by Leon Vinken

Thanks but that generated the same error message. I am not technical and don't understand what the grace-cue point is all about. I am guessing that I will give up on the point in general and if need be will import as MIDI and re-enter any necessary lyrics. It's only while transitioning from one to the other anyway, it's not something that will be a permanent point. I also wonder if the reason I could import XML the other way round is because in that case I am travelling from older to newer software, not from newer to older. I've noticed this even within PM itself, because I can import from PM 2002 to PM 2011 (older to newer) but not the other way round. It'd be interesting to know if the MS XML would import successfully into e.g. the latest version of FInale, rather than into what is my "legacy" product from over 10 years ago.

Thanks for trying anyway Leon!

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