Editing Tempo crashes Musescore

• Jun 8, 2024 - 07:30

Version, Revision 06c26b
Latest 6/6/2024
If you have an existing tempo, and edit the value, the software crashes instantly.


AS a possibly unimportant aside. Yes, the OP score crashes for me.
I notice that if I open the score and hit "M" twice, I can then edit the tempo. I don't think I would make the kind of major edit that changes the entire score, from within a part. I know we are supposed to be able to. But still.

In reply to by cadiz1

Easy for someone like yourself. I don't think general users are interested in them that much. Your bug report is relatively short compared to others I've looked at that wonder all over the topic. And to create one requires an extra sign-in and proper format. All doable, of course, and needed. But I think most users just want an answer.

In reply to by bobjp

"I don't think general users are interested in them that much."

How would you know? You speak for yourself.

"But I think most users just want an answer."

The answer was clearly given in the bug report.
press M.jpg
That's why I didn't put it back in the thread. But I could have. That's what I usually do.

In reply to by cadiz1

Sorry. You seem to not understand my point. You have been around here for a while. You take an active interest in how the forum and MuseScore work. The forum is full of people who are new to notation software and MuseScore in particular. They just want an answer. I have certainly been guilty of not going to the manual first. Although the MU4 manual leaves much to be desired, as of yet. But a bug report?
I did got to that report. But I had already discovered that method on my own.

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