Musescore 4.4 (all versions / incompatibility with computer

• Sep 17, 2024 - 18:25

I have been using Musescore for some time and have always been delighted with it. Each new upgrade was downloaded and worked perfectly. I currently use Version 4.3.2.
However, things have gone awry since the Musescore 4.4 versions have been available. Each time I have downloaded the latest three versions, when I go to a score and play it, the sound is radically altered.
I mainly compose using orchestral scores, and with these latest 4.4 versions the woodwind and the brass, in particular, sound like they are being played on an electronic keyboard.. The sound of all orchestra parts on Version 4.3.2 is far superior.
After making some research of my own into this, I discovered that the possible cause could be that these latest versions are not compatible with the settings on my computer. According to the information I found from the Musescore help forums, I checked my computer settings, and everything was fine. Furthermore, these settings have never been changed on my computer, and have always been fine for the different 4.3 versions and upgrades I have been downloading and using.
After just upgrading to the latest 4.4 version, the result is the same, and the sound is ghastly. So I am having to re-install the 4.3.2 version and work from that.
Obviously I would prefer to have access to the latest, improved versions.
If anyone can offer any help or advice about this issue, I should be most grateful.


Most likely people will suggest you to check Mixer and that MuseSound instruments are configured there instead of MS Basic.
But I will suggest you to stay on version 4.3.2 for now until the 4.4.3 update comes out

In reply to by mercuree

Thank you for the advice.
I just viewed the Mixer for the orchestral score I am currently working on, and all the instruments are titled accordingly. None are headed up 'MS Basic' (apart from the metronome), so I assume the instruments are configured correctly. I am afraid I am rather new to this software and, even after some time, I am still finding my way around to a certain extent. I am perfectly happy using the 4.3.2 version.
I will await the next updated version, as you suggest. I am really hoping that a future upgraded version will fix the problem.

Did you also update the HUB? I believe that is needed to make the new version work better.

FWIW I just up dated 4 computers of varying specs. Some way underpowered. I found it best to install the HUB update first. And from the software download page. Worked better for me. Then from the software page download the new MU4 version. BTW the new version does work better on lower end machines.
There is a "How To" in the manual section about setting up sound devices.

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