Keyboard input for Space (in Page Settings) doesn't work

• Oct 17, 2014 - 10:56
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

Im Dialog Seiteneinstellungen ist unter Spatium kein Zahlenwert über Tastatureingabe einstellbar. Dies betrifft die Version Musescore 2 Beta 1 für Mac und Windows.

It's not possible to enter a numerical value into the field Space in Page Settings (Musescore 2, Beta 1; Mac & Windows).

PS Sorry, wenn das schon jemand bemerkt hat, die Suche führte immer zu einem Autorisierungsfehler


Title Tastatureingabe im Feld Spatium (Seiteneinstellungen)/ Keyboard input Space (Page Settings) Keyboard input for Space (in Page Settings) doesn't work
Status (old) needs info active

I couldn't start the latest nightly build yesterday to give it a try.
After some noodling around the nightly (MuseScoreNightly-2014-10-17-0009-1e68b44.7z) started and in deed I was able to change the value by inserting it using the keyboard.
Sorry for keeping you busy with this already fixed bug an thanks for responding so quickly.