Bug: Score corrupted pop-up error

• Oct 17, 2024 - 01:06

My score became corrupted this morning, again, sigh. This is a score different from the previous one that became corrupted, but I am seeing a common event causing the corruption (dotted notes).

Here is a screenshot (https://imgur.com/a/SptXsB0) of the score that suddenly became corrupted. It is a simple cluster exercise score, 3/4 time. All I was doing (and this same situation caused the prior corruption on a different score) was changing quarter notes in the final measure (bass clef) into dotted half notes, when boom that caused the error to pop up for the score being corrupted. So I think it is something to do with the "dotted note" shortcut glyph in some way. As can be seen in the screenshot, that final bass clef measure shows the dotted half notes followed by an eight note rest which does not belong there as the dotted half notes complete a 3/4 time measure.

The score was originally 4/4 time, maybe 6 measures. Then I converted it to 3/4 time. The score corruption pop-up error notice happened when I was created dotted half notes for a block chord, when that last measure showed the dotted half notes chord and an eighth note rest that made the measure appear to be 4/4 time when in fact it should have been 3/4 time.

(For anybody curious, the composing exercise I was doing was Exercise 37:Clusters from "Composing with Constraints 100 Practical Exercises in Music Composition" by Jorge Variego.)

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.2-242570931, revision: 3130f97

Attachment Size
Corrupted-Exercise 37 Clusters.png 88.08 KB

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