Weird engraving issues with slurs, hairpins, and ornaments.
Hello, I have noticed since Musescore Studio 4.2 or 4.1 has released, I have been experiencing weird bugs with slurs, hairpins, and ornaments (like trill marks) in my scores. This issue automatically fixes itself if i mess with the object, but will snap back to the glitched position when I do something else (like fixing a note).
It seems to only happen on large scores, and the issue I would say is random and inconsistent. I have attached images below to help you better understand.
"I have attached images below to help you better understand."
What would really help more is to attach a score (.mscz file) which actually demonstrates this problem.
In reply to I have attached images below… by DanielR
Sorry for the late response. I have attached in .mscz file below. Try editing the text like the tempo, title, and subtitle and the slurs will start to bulge up.
In reply to Sorry for the late response… by trli10
"Try editing the text like the tempo, title, and subtitle and the slurs will start to bulge up."
I did try, using Page View, Continuous View (horizontal), and Continuous View (vertical).
Sorry, but I cannot reproduce this fault on my system:
OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64,
MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.3-242971445, revision: eb6b367