Piano Parts

• Mar 17, 2025 - 10:30

I am using musescore studio and need to know how to eliminate "voices" in a score that has a guitar line and two lines of piano, treble and bass clefs. I want to isolate just the guitar line. I am unable to figure out how to delete the piano parts.


If you highlight a measure in the guitar and click the Play button, you'll hear only the guitar. Without losing the musical information from the piano.

You can also open the Instruments tab (or Layout tab, if you're using version 4.5), and "close the eye" next to the PIano instrument. This hides the Piano staves--and does not play them--so that you can bring back the Piano if you decide to in future.

Simply deleting information that you might need in the future is rarely a good idea if there is an alternative available.

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