Tuplet expands beyond its bounds

• Dec 21, 2009 - 23:55
S4 - Minor

Steps to reproduce bug
1. Add a dotted half note to score
2. Leave note entry mode
3. Notes > Tuplets > Other
4. Actual: 7; Normal: 3 (Duration: half)

Expected behavior: duration of full tuplet should only last the duration of a normal dotted half note

Actual behavior: tuplet expands well beyond its bounds and overlaps with the next measure.

Discussion: If I understand Werner's formula then it should produce the expected behavior for this situation. Is the formula not being used for Tuplets > Other yet?

MuseScore version: r.2499

(Operating System: Windows XP)


Yes, Tuplets->Others is not adapted yet. I believe you cannot free choose the base lenght of a tuplet element as the dialog suggests. In the upper example a base duration of 1/2 is not possible with a ratio of 7/3.
The formula is:
Whole Tuplet Duration = TD
Element Duration = ED
number of Elements = n
Ratio = R

R = (ED * n) / TD
n = (R * TD) / ED

Example for 1/8 Triplet:
R = (1/8 * 3) / 1/4 = 3/8 / 1/4 = 12/8 = 3/2

Example for Ratio 7/3
Element Duration=1/2: n = (7/3 * 3/4) / 1/2 = 3.5 (does not work)
Element Duration=1/4 n = (7/3 * 3/4) / 1/4 = 7
Element Duration=1/8 n = 14

A Tuplet of len 3/4 and Ratio 7/3 can be created with 7 1/4 notes or 14 1/8 notes etc. which will create the same tuplet but filled initially different. Giving a total duration and a ratio a tuplet is determined.
One question is if dottet values are allowed as ED. Is there for example a triplet of three dotted 1/8 th notes?
(probably you will need a calculator to find out how to play such a score :-)