Error on launch on Windows 7 64bits, missing MSVCR100.dll
c547bb736d self built or nightly.
On start, a message is displayed complaining that MSVCR100.dll is required. Clicking OK twice, MuseScore starts. MSVCR100.dll is part of the C++ redistributable.
I believe it's due to the two DLLs added for SSL support ssleay32.dll
. These come from Qt Creator which is built with MSVC.
We should try to compile these DLL with mingw only.
Interesting, I haven't seen that messages on any or my 3 Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit machines?
Well possible that any of them have that C++ redistributable installed though...
Fixed in 5235f81c45
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.