modifiying a fretboard diagram on the non-top staff of a score with parts causes crash
- Add a fretboard diagram to any non-top staff in a score with parts
- modify that fretboard diagram, via right-click, fretboard properties
- leave that dialog with OK
Result: crash:
Stack trace:
0 Ms::Staff::show staff.cpp 876 0x786fb2
1 Ms::Measure::layoutStage1 measure.cpp 3718 0x77dd87
2 Ms::Score::doLayout layout.cpp 1411 0x7bfc51
3 Ms::Score::endCmd cmd.cpp 122 0x751e4d
4 Ms::ScoreView::objectPopup scoreview.cpp 1077 0x41e6d0
5 Ms::ScoreView::contextPopup scoreview.cpp 3244 0x42ad5b
6 Ms::ContextTransition::onTransition scoreview.cpp 189 0xa9685f
7 ZN20QStateMachinePrivate24executeTransitionContentEP6QEventRK5QListIP19QAbstractTransitionE C:\Users\joschmitz\Documents\GitHub\MuseScore\win32install\bin\Qt5Core.dll 0x68a9055c
8 ?? 0x1f730000
9 ??
self build 2a37538, Windows 7 (Enterprise, 64bit)
Fixed in 3a4e645d09
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.