Synthesizer missing -- again

• Jan 28, 2015 - 21:42
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

Okay, I know that I've sent in a bug report about this before. Back in the beta 1 phase, I believe. For whatever reason, the Synthesizer box was blacked out, meaning I couldn't access soundfont settings and the like. After a few days, the problem actually fixed itself. Later on, I installed the beta 2 and everything was peachy.

I've since been forced to uninstall and reinstall the beta software, and the same effect has happened again. I've included a screenshot this time, if it'll help. This is a completely fresh install, fyi. No settings or preferences have been touched yet.

Attachment Size
synth-screenshot.jpg 106.66 KB


Status (old) duplicate fixed

It looks like the nightly has it fixed -- still confused as to why the beta has that issue, but I'll take what I can get. Thanks guys.