Glitchy sound when playing more than one voice

• Feb 28, 2015 - 17:07
S4 - Minor

When I play my score, and there are more than one voices playing at the same time, the sound become 'glitchy'. When I have only one voice playing - everything is ok.
Windows nightly 6b554a9
My computer: Intel i7-4770K, ASUS Z87-PRO (onboard Realtek soundcard)
In there's ogg file with what I exactly hear (playing Test.mscz).

Attachment Size 881.77 KB
Test.mscz 17.13 KB


Are you using something other than the default soundfont? Is your system particularly overloaded? I don't have any problems playing your score on my very underpowered Chromebook, or indeed, scores with many more voices.

Was that OGG file generated directly from MuseScore using File / Export, or did you record the audio output? If the latter, what happens if you export directly?

No, my system is not overloaded (I have 16GB RAM and I use less than quarter of that; CUP usage = 16%). I use the default soundfont.
The OGG file I attached is recorded directly from soundcard (using soundcard mix as source). Any music file (like MP3 or VAW) generated using File>Export is fine.

I restarted app and everything is now working good. But, I had this problem a few times in the past. If I remember well, the very first time it happend in 2.0 Beta release (or in nightly close to that)... I really wish to provide more specific data.

The problem still occurs. I restarted MuseScore few times. I also killed all unimportant tasks (see attachment). Even turned off the Avast.
Any idea what can cause this annoying problem? Or what else can/should I check...?

Attachment Size
TaskManager.png 65.05 KB