Ability to set both staves element for piano score

• Mar 23, 2015 - 10:13
S5 - Suggestion

Paino score have two staves, and dynamics haiprins and other element are usually written beetween the two stave when they apply to both of them
(if they apply to only one that appear above G-clef staff or under F-clef staff)

So that would be great if centered element would be attached to both staves ....

I don't know if it is possible
and maybe linked with https://musescore.org/en/node/52141

PS I know that with the upcoming 2.0 version this ISN'T a priority at all, but I write it as I see it as I would like ;)


I am not sure what you mean by "attached" in this context. A hairpin is "attached" to a particular start and end note internally, and I don't see that changinging. But if you mean you wish it to affect *playback* of both staves, that is already possible - just set the appropriate "Dynamic range" property in the Inspector. And that seems to be the default. So I am not understanding what you are asking for here?

I wasn't worried about playback.... as it was to play with a friend

I was thinking that for example the f in mesure 4 if you drag it to be attached to the "upper stave" , it is not readable as it is on the note of that mesure. So you have then to set the inspector to put it a little down and attached to the upper stave, and centered when extracting part

and I discovered it was attached in the F-clef extracting part, as I put it in the middle without reflecting.

I was " dreaming " about 2 staves instruments elements (like dynamics...) would be vertically centered (in the middle of the two staves) not depending on the stave they are attached to.
And then when extracting parts also that may be the link of the other issue wouldn't make it just down the staff it is attached too...
I don't want to change it is general style because for the other (which is sigle clef) instrument it can't be "in the middle " ;)

Is it more clear ?
If not I will ask help in the French forum to translating help . ;)

So the request is, when attaching a hairpin to a staff that happens to have another staff below it, that it ignore the vertical position predefined in Style / General and instead center between the staves? I don't like when settings are ignored. Why not sumply set a more appropriate value for this style option? To me, a good request would be to allow different staves to have different style values, so you could have hairpins default to one height for msot staves but something a little different for the top staff of the piano part, perhaps something different still for a vocal staff (eg, above the staff).

"a good request would be to allow different staves to have different style values, so you could have hairpins default to one height for msot staves but something a little different for the top staff of the piano part, perhaps something different still for a vocal staff (eg, above the staff)."

Yes that would be great. But then , I think it was already request.... for vocal staff (so we could add two-staff instrument ) ?

Well, it would satisfy me, I guess the question is whether there is some other case that is not handled or some other reason it wouldn't be totally satisfactory. But if you agree, then I'd say, go ahead and close this.

Status (old) needs info closed

I'm satisfied to close this one. But I'd like to set those type of setting for each instrument in the other issue , so I edit a post. I hope you wouldn't bear me ;)