Check score corruptions before Save Online

• Apr 9, 2015 - 11:36
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

In MuseScore 2, we have a facility to check for corruptions in the score file. We trigger this check in two occasions:
1. upon opening a file in MuseScore 2
2. while processing a score on

The second occasion can be rather frustrating as you like to know before Saving Online whether there are corruptions, in order to save time.

This is a request to add a file corruption check before Saving Online ...


Adding two extra requests:
* make the corruption feedback i18n aware
* improve the corruption window UI by making each detected corruption clickable allowing you to locate the measure with a single click

The second step would need to make the UI visible when the score is loaded. The only way I can think is a menu item in Tool > Sanity check...
Also, let's note that all the time we spend on improving this we don't spend on fixing the actual cause of corruption...

* improve the corruption window UI by making each detected corruption clickable allowing you to locate the measure with a single click

This is doable but it would mean going to "save online" after each fix.

Another approach would be to mark on the score the measure we find corrupted. Something like this. Of course the red rectangle wouldn't be printed or exported to PDF. They would disappear as as soon as the measure is fixed.

Capture d'écran 2015-04-10 15.04.16.png

I'm a bit reluctant to always display this since it costs a full check for every layout. We could display it if the file is found corrupted on load and/or if the file is found corrupted on save online, but we would probably need a way to deactivate it.

Any thought?

Looks OK, but I'd use the same size for that rectangle as if the measure(s) were selected, i.e. slightly narrower (excluding clef, time- and keysig, barlines)

I pushed a fix with the standard message box we use when opening a file. The corruption messages are translated already since we use the same ones. There is one more string though.

The missing thing is
* improve the corruption window UI by making each detected corruption clickable allowing you to locate the measure with a single click
and or the measure highlighting.

The measure highlighting is in a branch in my repo