Part numbering could correspond to actual number

• Apr 17, 2015 - 14:54

Currently, when extracting parts from a score with more than one of a certain instrument, the parts will be identified as Instrument and Instrument-1, unless the part names are changed ahead of time in Staff Properties. I would propose that, in the example of two violin parts, rather than the confusing "Violin" and "Violin-1", they could be numbered by default as "Violin-1" and "Violin-2."


I'd second that. Problem is though, that this would requite 2 passes rather than the current 1 pass, as at the place we detect that 'Violin' is already taken and hence generate "Violin-1" for the 2nd , it is to late to change the 1st.
Check ...mscore/exceptsdialog.cpp, line 151 ff. and line 189 ff.

It'd be pretty easy to name them "Violin" and "Violin-2" though.

Maybe the better solution is to make sure the part names in staff properties *are* reasonable. Tempaltes should do this already. When creating a score from scratch, maybe the score wizard could be smarter about that?

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