Different time signatures across score.

• May 12, 2015 - 13:18

I am rewriting a score which has different time signatures for different parts within the score. ie. some of the measures are written in standard time (4/4) whilst other parts are in compound time. (12/8) at the same time. I have tried without success to implement this. Changing the 4/4 time to 12/8 in a stave causes the whole score to change to 12/8. Does anybody have an answer to this?


In reply to by derheath

You have to be using 2.0 or later. Also, on Mac, anything that uses Ctrl for other computers will use Cmd instead.

The measures have to be empty - you have to do this before entering notes, also before generate linked parts. Copy and paste won't work correctly. It's kind of an experimental feature, but it *does* work within its limitations.

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