Actual duration turns into nominal duration (0.9.7 regression)
Steps to reproduce bug
1. Create a new score in 4/4 time
2. Right click on an empty part of the first measure and choose "Measure Properties..."
3. Change "Actual Duration" to 1/4
4. Press "OK" to dismiss the dialog
5. Right click on an empty part of the first measure and choose "Measure Properties..."
Expected behavior: Nominal duration should display 4/4 and Actual duration should display 1/4 as set in step 3
Actual behavior: Nominal duration has become 1/4 and Actual duration has become 4/4.
MuseScore version: 3293 self built on trunk
(Operating System: Windows 7)
Apparently fixed. Tested using r. 4062 nightly build, Windows 7
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.