Soft Pedal playback

• Jun 24, 2015 - 07:19

Currently, there's no way to get soft pedal playback in Musescore. Sure, you could just write in the text, but it won't sound right. Soft pedal is already a MIDI instruction (CC #67, 0 for off, 127 for on), so implementing it wouldn't be that hard. Just make it work like the current pedal line, except with applying soft instead of hold.


You might consider filing this as an official feature request in the Issue Tracker (see menu at right of this page).

Meanwhile, you can reduce the velocity of notes by selecting the range, pressing the Notes button in the Inspector to restrict the selection to just the Notes, then using the Velocity controls.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Apparently one helpful remark about trying to make something not seem as hard to implement as one might think is suddenly "know[ing] so much about it". Well, two can play the condescending jackass game.

For one, you already have the foundation for it in your midievents.h (it's one of the control events, specifically CTRL_SOFT_PEDAL) as well as the synthesizer's events.h. It's just a matter of making it actually tell the MIDI playback to activate CC# 67 during those notes. There's no complicated playback involving stretched-out durations like during the playback of a sustain pedal notes. You could set a special flag in the zerberus stuff to give lower precedence to voices modified by the soft pedal flag, which can be done as shown via the special treatment for sustain notes.

And in case you're wondering, the reason why I'm not doing it myself is because I have never actually managed to get Git to work on my computer more than 5 minutes before I can no longer do anything with it and have to reinstall. Not that I haven't tried, though.

In reply to by LuuBluum

Whoa whoa! ChurchOrganist is a nice guy and I'm sure he didn't mean that to come out as a "condescending jackass" comment. I can definitely see how it felt that way—if I were he I would have looked at what I had written and edited it so that it didn't sound that way before posting. But on the other hand, if I were you I would have politely ignored it in my response, or at the worst said "That phrasing seems a little condescending" or something like that. How about we all cool down and take a look at getting this implemented—the feature request is at #66511: Soft Pedal Playback.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Again, my issue is that Git has never played nicely with me, even when it should be working properly. Somehow either a path winds up broken, a commit fails to work, or something, at which point the entire software ceases to work in any functional manner barring a complete reinstall.

In reply to by LuuBluum

Chances are whatever happened was either a fluke or a misunderstanding - git actually works extremely well on Windows, and many of us have been using it successfully for years on a variety of different computers. Definitely worth another shot, and if you run into a specific problem, maybe ask for help on IRC. The git workflow document in the developers handbook is quite detailed and thorough about the way to use git in MuseScore development, and if you follow those procedures carefully, everything works very well. It is indeed possible to shoot yourself in the foot if you deviate too much without understanding what you are doing, but nothing that can't be fixed by simply re-forking or re-cloning.

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