How do I add "beamed" notes?

• Jun 27, 2015 - 01:01

I've been trying to figure out how to do this all day long and still no progress. Actually, I managed to do it only once by playing around with the "beam properties" but couldnt figure out how I did it. Does anyone know how to do this? I enclosed a picture for reference. Thanks!

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In reply to by kiwichamp

If you enter a sixteenth note, an eighth note, and another sixteenth note, they will automatically be connected together exactly that way.

EDIT: Actually, depending on what fraction of a beat you're starting on it might be different. If so, it's probably best to use the default, but if you want to attach the specific score that's giving you issues here I can show you how to get it like you want.

In reply to by kiwichamp

At the beginning of a measure? You bet it's that easy. ;-) By the way, I've been remiss in not saying "Welcome" earlier—that's become sort of the standard on these forums when a new user has a question. So, welcome aboard! I was a newbie once, too. Trust me, it only gets better and better. ;-)

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