Note characters in tempo marks are squares!?

• Jul 22, 2015 - 14:03

note figures in tempo marks don't appear anymore with v.2.0.2!? (not even in the palette)
(see images joined)
Trying to insert music signs (F2) in tempo text I observe they are rendered but not those from WHOLE NOTE to POINT (see image joined)!?
Is there any change in the musical font characters used with F2?

Thanks for a reply


In reply to by

Yes, all necessary fonts are complied into MuseScore on Windows. Having an older / incomaptible version of Bravura installed on your system explains what you are seeing - MuseScore will use that in preference to its own compiled-in version. 2.0.2 requires the latest version of Bravura Text, 2.0.1 used an older version. Probably the version you had installed on your system was recent enough to work with 2.0.1 but not with 2.0.2.

Uninstall Bravura & Bravura Text and all will be well.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, for sure it was that!
I got Bravura from for months... my version was 1.02
currently 1.18
I take this opportunity to thank the authors of this huge beautiful font for their contribution to the development of musescore (among other music programs)
... and thanks for your "Mastering Musescore" (Marc Sabatella)
I hope to contribute to the finalization of its French translation, be it only as a proofreader



Which Operating system? Do you by chance have the fonts Bravura and/or BravuraText installed? If so, get rd of them, in oder for MuseScore to use the built-in ones.

Although I would have thought custom palettes should still work, maybe not if created with an experimental prerelease build rather than an official one. Anyhow, if you don't have Bravura or Bravura Text installed, then I guess you should reset your palettes using the steps described in "Revert to factory settings" in the Handbook.

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