Advice on my new composition

• Aug 3, 2015 - 05:05

I recently got into writing music and this is one of my first compositions!! Please tell me what you like and what I can do better! It's just a rough draft and I haven't entirely finished the piece but I want to know if I'm going in the right direction.

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I think if you're getting the sounds you want to get, then you're on "the right direction."

I don't agree with any kind of judgement about any art piece (and music is an art).

The only one thing that matter is about your feelings and the sounds you are getting.

In other words, the only one valid question here is: Are the sounds faithfully interpreting your feelings? ???

Another very different thing is about your interaction with the program MuseScore. I'm not the best person in this point. Sorry!!!

Greetings & Blessings!!!!!!!


(noting that this is a duplicate topic with

Musically, I can only say that I like it. However, I do have some advice—use key signatures. C minor at the beginning, and changes later on. It makes for much better sheet music than using C Major all the way through and adding so many accidentals.

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

Okay, musically you're good. One advice in composing, There is an image that relates to this piece. (Don't ask me what it is. That image is your reason to writing this.) Try to build on that image. If your's is a witch, or the night, think 'what goes on in the night?' See what I'm saying? I agree with Zach. If you change key signatures, don't just use accidentals.

Definitely going in the right direction, but you need to develop your theory of music skills, as evidenced by the use of accidentals instead of a key signature.

You should also think more about the form of the piece. You have some excellent musical ideas here, but the piece lacks coherency due to the current linear nature of the piece.

Think of a piece of music like a Lego building, made up of blocks of different musical ideas which can then be presented in different orders, some repeated, others not.

One of the simplest musical forms is called Ternary Form, which has the structure A B A. Once you have mastered this, then you can go on to more complex forms, but you must use form of some kind to lead the ears of your listeners through the path of your musical piece - if it just meanders through different musical ideas without establishing a pattern in their hearing, then they will lose interest and stop listening.


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