Problema con el editor de nombres de instrumentos

• Sep 20, 2015 - 21:21
S4 - Minor

Como se puede ver en la imagen se ha colocado el nombre del instrumento largo y corto, sin embargo en la particella no aparece los nombres.

GIT commit: f51dc11

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Prueba.png 109.82 KB


By default, staff names do not appear for scores with only a single staff, as that would be extremely unusual. You can force these to appear by turning off the "Style / General / Hide instrument name if there is only 1 instrument" option.

If this does not solve your problem, Please attach the score you are having problems with and give precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem, in English if at all possible. Also, do not assign yourself to an issue unless you are a programmer and intend to fix the code yourself. In the future, it is better to post to the Support forum first to make sure something is really a bug and not just a misunderstanding.

Oh, it is true! thank you very much. I didn't understand why it happened, I remember in the version 1.3 by default the instruments names appear in the sheet music. Thanks again.