No styles, templates, etc. in MuseScore folder

• Oct 13, 2015 - 07:54

In the MuseScore folder in Documents (Mac OS), there are no styles or templates, etc. I had the impression that the application came with some preloaded style and template options ... not the case?


That is proably your personal folder for these things (and for you to populate), as opposed to the system wide one, which does contain somestyles and templates that come as part of the package

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks again, but in my Applications folder is just the MuseScore2 application itself, not a folder that has Contents/Resources ... the only MuseScore folder resides in Documents, and has Images, Plugins, Scores, Soundfonts, Styles, and Templates, all of which are empty except for Scores, which obviously has scores I've created.

Did I somehow download an incomplete package?

In reply to by frednow

You will see the templates that come with the program every time you try to create a new score - no need to go digging around to try to find the folder manually. Same with styles, etc. The pre-installed files show automatically when you try to use a template, style, soundfont, etc.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks, Marc. From your reply, what I discovered is that in order to access the preloaded styles and templates, I need to choose "New ... " from the File menu. The option to "Load Style" from the Style menu is strictly for styles I create myself ... do I have this right?

In reply to by frednow

Well, styles are styles, templates are templates - two different things. When you go to File / New, or open the Start Center, you will see all available templates - both the preinstalled ones and ones you created yourself and saved to your own Templates folder. For styles, there really are no preinstalled ones of substance. You probably can browse to the preinstalled styles folder from the Load Style dialog and find the MuseJazz.mss file that is, as far as I know, still shipped, but that's about it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, but you see, that's my original question ... when I go to Load Style there's absolutely nothing there, nor is there anything in the Styles folder when I access from the Finder.

Further, I'm confused when you say "there really are no preinstalled ones of substance" and then follow that with " You probably can browse to the preinstalled styles folder from the Load Style dialog" ... are there preinstalled styles or not? Can they, or should they, be found in Load Styles or not?

There is no MuseJazz.mss file anywhere on my Mac.

In reply to by frednow

In 2.0.2 there is exactly one preinstalled style: MuseJazz.mss, which simply sets various text styles to MuseJazz. And probably misses a few; it most likely hasn't been updated very recently. So it's really not rpworth the trobule of finding it. If you expect to want to load a style that sets text styles to MuseJazz, just create one yourself, by creating a score from the Jazz Lead Sheet template than going to Style / Save Style.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Good suggestions. Regarding the MuseJazz.mss styl, I think we really need is a single command to allow you to specify a font and have it automatically get plugged in to all relevant styles. Perhaps it would work as a substitution - "replace all instances of Free Serif with MuseJazz" or something like that.

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