alignment of lyrics words

• Nov 15, 2015 - 12:52

I really like Musescore's ability to put lyrics with notes. I have adjusted some of my lyrics' words with the mouse for best alignment with the respective notes. However, in doing that, the words have come out at slightly different levels (vertical scale), and I am having a hard time getting them all on the same line. Is there any way I can make all the words in a lyric line be on the same horizontal line other than laboriously adjusting each one of them individually with the mouse? Is there any way to cut and paste an entire line of lyric in one maneuver.

Thanks for the help.
Ralph :)


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you for your prompt response. Unfortunately I am a very new user of Musescore, and need a little more step by step assistance. I managed to select all the text between the bass and treble clefs, but bringing up the inspector doesn't allow me to do anything to text. All I can see to manipulate with Inspector is notes and rests. Also, though I went to the online handbook, I cannot find how to use snap to grid.
Once I select text, I am unable to get cursor keys to do any movement of it.
If you have time, could you please give me a little more step by step how to align words vertically and horizontally?
Thank you,
Ralph :)

In reply to by rarohr

The key thing to adjust in the Inspector would be the "Vertical offset" control. Naturally, when that's the same for all the lyrics, they're horizontally aligned. What's neat is that if you have multiple lyrics selected when you change that value, then it's applied to all of them, and they align instantly.

In reply to by rarohr

The cursor keys work if only one lyric is selected, not if several are selected at once.

The Inspector is context-sensitive. If notes are selected, it shows you options for notes. If text is selected, it shows you options for text. So you need to select just the lyrics, not the notes. Many ways of doing this, but you can ctrl+click syllables individually or right click kne and choose Select from the popup menu to see all sorts of options for selecting other lyrics throughout the score, on the same staff, on the same system, in the same verse, etc.

Once you have multiple lyrics selected, the Inspector can be used to move them.

Or use the cursor keys. Mouse dragging is never a good way to fine tune poisition; too imprecise and hard to make consistent.

As for cut and paste, sure - first select the lyrics using any of the various selection mechanisms MuseScore provides (eg, select a range, right click one lyrics, Select / All Similar Elements in Range Selection), Ctrl+C to copy or Ctrl+X to cut, then click the first note of the passage where you'd like to paste them, Ctrl+V.

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