Move or transpose entire piano piece up one octave.

• Dec 4, 2015 - 23:54

I have just written out the treble section of my 30 bar piano piece - an octave lower than intended.
Is there a way transpose the whole thing up an octave - rather than rewriting it all?



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Try this:
Select all the measures you wish to correct - i.e. click on the first measure, then shift + click on the last.
Now, with them all selected, use Ctrl + up (arrow) to raise one octave.

Alternatively, you can right click on a note, then Select -> All Similar elements in Same Staff.
With the notes selected, use Ctrl + up.

To select all of a stave (or all, form this measure onwards):

Left - Click on measure

Then [Ctrl] UpArrow to transpose up an octave.

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