How accurate are the instruments in an orchestral score?

• Dec 6, 2015 - 08:20

In terms of how penetrating an instrument sounds compared to other instruments or how penetrating a group of instruments sound, how accurate do you think they sound compared to real instruments?


Perhaps it is not clear to me. You can use the Mixer to adjust the volume of individual instruments or select all notes of a stave and with Inspector change "Velocity Type" or use the dynamics palette.

I think you are asking if the relative volume levels of the instruments in the default soundfont are close to how they might sound in real life. It's pretty subjective - different players, different genres, different number of players on each part, how big it is in the case of piano, or in the case of amplified instruments, how loud they are turned up, etc. So there's no single objective answer, but most soundfonts make some effort to be representative, yes. Then people quibble endlessly about whether some particular instrument in some particular soundfont is too loud or too soft. Are there particular instruments you are wondering about?

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