Make bar look shorter

• Dec 14, 2015 - 09:16

Hello. When I write a score the last bar fills the line out. How can I make this a short bar

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Go to Style>General>Page, and change the Last system fill threshold to 25% or higher (I think the default is 30% anyway, so perhaps you lowered it inadvertently?)

In reply to by Xasman

Hello. Thank you. I understood, that 30% was too much, so I lovered it to 20 with out result. Then I read all the links and did not find the right answer. Then I tried to put 60% and then the bars were small and did not fill the whole line. But I remember, there is a short cut, but how?

In reply to by valsbol

The number is not the *size* but the *threshold*. Meaning, if the system is more than that wide, it will suddenly be stretched to fill the whole system. So, setting it to 100 would mean nothing is ever stretched. Setting it to 0 means it always is. 50 means it it is stretched if it is at least half the width of the page.

In reply to by valsbol

You can set up a score the way you like and save it in your Templates folder, then create new scores from that template. Or use Style / Save Style to save your style, and specify that as the default in Edit / Preferences / Score. I think you'll find 100% is a poor choice for default though - it means systems that otherwise *should* be stretched won't be. Something like 70% would probably be best.

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