Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Sort descending Priority Version Replies Last updated
Shortcuts not working GitHub issue 4.0 9 10 months
Section break causes pause before repeats and jumps during playback GitHub issue P1 - High 67 1 year
Disabling "Pan score" button breaks direct navigation by the Find command and the Timeline GitHub issue 3.6 5 5 months
Ignore "parenthesized expressions" that precede lyric syllables GitHub issue 22 4 months
Parts missing dynamics. In particular hairpins. GitHub issue 4.0 6 1 year
Playback error with "Repeat last four bars" GitHub issue 4.0 3 1 year
MusicXML import problem - chords GitHub issue 4.0 5 1 year
Transferring guitar notation/tab from MuseScore 3 to MuseScore 4 GitHub issue 4.0 10 1 year
Chord symbol playback doesn't follow swinged eights GitHub issue 3.5 16 8 months
Tabs behaviour change - Opening two scores on the same window GitHub issue 4.0 53 10 months
Musescore hogs CPU/Thread GitHub issue 4.0 3 10 months
Dynamic Playback error GitHub issue 4.0 1 1 year
no UI option to reset shouldAskSaveLocationType, thus unable to save locally GitHub issue 4.0 7 1 year
Drumset does not play correct sounds in the preview GitHub issue 4.0 8 1 year
Bb not displaying correctly GitHub issue 4.x-dev 11 1 year
MIDI Channel Assignment missing in MuseScore 4 GitHub issue 4.0 20 2 months
Audio Output does not change when program is open GitHub issue 4.0 1 1 year
The loop playback doesn't play until the end of a measure of which the last "note/rest" is a rest GitHub issue 3.6 8 9 months
Place dynamics and hairpins above vocal staves by default GitHub issue 3.0 31 11 months
No Stylus Support, stylus is treated as a mouse GitHub issue 3.0 7 2 months
Tie is not aligned correctly when using rythmic slash notation whole notes GitHub issue 4.0 4 1 year
2 Bar Repeat doesn't work GitHub issue 4.0 4 1 year
Repeat Last Two Bars playback is not working GitHub issue 4.0 3 1 year
Tuplet bracket & number aren't included within range selection GitHub issue 3.6 4 11 months
Crash on dynamic change GitHub issue 4.0 7 1 year