Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority Version Replies Last updated
Request alternate position key signature when using begin repeat sign active P1 - High 3.0 20 1 year
Tuplet bracket & number aren't included within range selection GitHub issue 3.6 4 1 year
Creating a 4-or-higher tuplet on a 512th or an 8-or-higher tuplet on a 256th crashes Musescore closed 3.5 13 1 year
Request for in-score Hyperlinks / URLs GitHub issue 3.6 10 1 year
MuseScore 4 crashes upon opening active 4.x-dev 10 1 year
MusicXML import of local 3/4 and 9/8 local time signatures active 3.5 12 1 year
Coda sign moving, can't correct it closed 15 1 year
translation doesn't work in templates window when creating new scores GitHub issue 4.0 2 1 year
command line mode should not require X server active P3 - Low 26 1 year
Number Keypad keys not definable for keyboard shortcuts closed 4.0 12 1 year
Musescore crashes when I try to change an instrument active 4.0 19 1 year
MuseScore audio stutter and pitch issue duplicate 4.0 14 1 year
Appearance preferences revert to default active 4.0 12 1 year
Playback of Bagpipe Embellishment nor working properly active 3.6 6 1 year
Instrument name in mixer doesn't match instrument list active 4.0 3 1 year
Make "Visible" checkbox in Instruments dialog available for individual staves within an instrument closed P2 - Medium 3.0 19 1 year
Pop-up menus open in the wrong place. active 4.x-dev 2 1 year
Laissez Vibrer: Chords tied to nothing active 23 1 year
Arrow keys doesn't move object when several ones are selected active 31 1 year
Half duration shortcut crashes musescore when time signature is 5/4 closed 3.6 19 1 year
Place dynamics and hairpins above vocal staves by default GitHub issue 3.0 31 1 year
[Forum] Make 'Delete' and 'List' radio buttons when managing attachments in a post by design 3 1 year
cannot cancel free trial closed 3.1 3 1 year
IPad-Pro user’s - Notation App by design 3.3 16 1 year
Feature request: Custom date format active 3.6 6 1 year