Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority Sort ascending Version Replies Last updated
Removing drums from MIDI import process causes crash closed 3 10 years
The “I/O” tab of the “Preferences” dialog should use radio buttons instead of checkboxes closed 3.4 5 4 years
Violins section becomes muddy and out-of-time when two lines are notated on a single staff active 4.0 0 1 year
span presets buttons in barline inspector change only one element of multiple selection closed 3.0 9 6 years
Glissando lines not being copied closed 8 5 years
Note groups are truncated in the Time Signatures dialog closed 3.0 5 7 years
1.3 score using Pedal line with a middle symbol displays empty in 3.x, crashes in master closed 3.6 25 2 years
Have dashed lyrics continue past tied notes closed 19 11 years
Trill size closed 4 5 years
Poor chordname copy closed 8 5 years
No impending save after making changes to Edit Drumset closed 3 9 years
Crescendo Diminuendo length remains default when copy pasted active 3.4 1 4 years
MIDI Mapping does not value correctly. active 4.0 5 1 year
Blank PDF, PNG and SVG when exporting screen capture closed 3.0 2 6 years
Seperate these content between "<" and ">" active 0 4 years
adjustment to prima volta not functioning closed 1 8 years
Can't download MP3 from v.2.0.3 closed 2.1 2 7 years
Report a Bug link does not work when logged out needs info 5 2 years
moving chord causes it to disappear closed 2 10 years
Non-ASCII characters in style name not handled correctly active 7 9 years
Crashes when select bars and change note value needs info 3.5 1 3 years
Micro-moving dotted note does not move connected dot closed 2 14 years
Concert Pitch Error needs info 2.1 8 7 years
[trunk] Crash on changing time signature closed 6 11 years
Update Piano Levels Filter to shift to the new Fraction based note measurement system closed 3.4 14 3 years