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Type Title User Log
Sun, 8 September 2019
 (diff) (hist) 15:42 Handbook 3 Imagesrevised Henk De Groot
Custom palet reference update to new page
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 (diff) (hist) 14:23 Handbook 3 Framesrevised Henk De Groot
 (diff) (hist) 12:36 Handbook 3 Staff / Part propertiesrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 12:35 Handbook 3 Staff / Part propertiesrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 12:27 Handbook 3 Staff / Part propertiesrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 12:25 Handbook 3 Staff / Part propertiesrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 12:21 Handbook 3 Staff / Part propertiesrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 12:19 Handbook 3 Staff / Part propertiesrevised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 12:17 Handbook 3 Staff / Part propertiesrevised geetar
Corrected links and clarified additional text.
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 (diff) (hist) 12:02 Landings page MuseScore for Guitarrevised Josepheroic
 (diff) (hist) 12:01 Landings page MuseScore for Guitarrevised Josepheroic
Fri, 6 September 2019
 (diff) (hist) 13:55 Book Brandingrevised jilizart
Right Logomark size descriptions
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 (diff) (hist) 13:28 Book Brandingrevised jilizart
Right urls for Logomarks
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 (diff) (hist) 13:01 Book Brandingrevised jilizart
Change logotypes to new ones
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 (diff) (hist) 12:11 Handbook 3 Staff / Part propertiesrevised SteveBlower
Added information describing interaction of instrument name displayed in Staff Properties and items defined in instruments.xml
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Wed, 4 September 2019
 (diff) (hist) 08:03 Handbook 3 Measure operationsrevised Jojo-Schmitz
Tue, 3 September 2019
 (diff) (hist) 19:48 Handbook 3 Page settingsrevised Henk De Groot
menu reference updated
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Mon, 2 September 2019
 (diff) (hist) 20:06 Handbook 3 Layout and formattingrevised Henk De Groot
Ottava default setting corrected.
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 (diff) (hist) 19:11 Handbook 3 Layout and formattingrevised Henk De Groot
Removed options no longer exist in System dialog
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Sun, 1 September 2019
 (diff) (hist) 22:57 Handbook 3 Linesrevised neGjodsbol
 (diff) (hist) 16:58 Handbook 3 Measure and horizontal spacingmoved Henk De Groot
Time signature left margin update
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Sat, 31 August 2019
 (diff) (hist) 22:11 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 13:16 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Anatoly-os
 (diff) (hist) 10:49 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised geetar
 (diff) (hist) 10:40 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Anatoly-os
 (diff) (hist) 10:38 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Anatoly-os
 (diff) (hist) 10:25 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 10:18 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 10:16 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 10:15 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 10:13 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 10:11 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 10:10 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Jojo-Schmitz
 (diff) (hist) 09:59 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Jojo-Schmitz
Fri, 30 August 2019
 (diff) (hist) 21:21 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Anatoly-os
 (diff) (hist) 20:55 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Anatoly-os
 (diff) (hist) 20:53 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Anatoly-os
 (diff) (hist) 20:52 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Anatoly-os
 (diff) (hist) 20:35 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)revised Anatoly-os
 (diff) (hist) 20:33 Book Release notes for MuseScore 3.3 Beta (August 31, 2019)new Anatoly-os
Wed, 28 August 2019
 (diff) (hist) 10:41 Book IDE Configurationrevised TheOtherJThistle
Tue, 27 August 2019
 (diff) (hist) 12:42 Book IDE Configurationrevised TheOtherJThistle
 (diff) (hist) 12:41 Book IDE Configurationrevised TheOtherJThistle
Mon, 26 August 2019
 (diff) (hist) 15:38 How to How to get sound working if you don't hear anythingmoved [DELETED] 1831606
 (diff) (hist) 15:36 How to How to get sound working if you don't hear anythingmoved [DELETED] 1831606
 (diff) (hist) 15:30 How to How to get sound working if you don't hear anythingmoved mike320
 (diff) (hist) 13:47 Page Patch/Minor Release Processrevised Anatoly-os
 (diff) (hist) 12:09 How to How to get sound working if you don't hear anythingmoved [DELETED] 1831606
 (diff) (hist) 12:07 How to How to get sound working if you don't hear anythingmoved [DELETED] 1831606
I/O tab is in pref dialog, not synth.
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 (diff) (hist) 11:11 Page Patch/Minor Release Processrevised Anatoly-os