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Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Problem with tremolo and glissando ChapterSevenSeeds 2 12 years ago
Forum topic Pedal symbol appears different in 1.2 and trunk chen lung 1 12 years ago
Forum topic Need help with fingerings and trills azumbrunn 4 12 years ago
Issue Warning in Preferences cut off chen lung 4 12 years ago
Forum topic V 1.2 will not save file liz.tinker@bto… 10 12 years ago
Forum topic Note entry with MIDI keyboard Cormall 4 12 years ago
Forum topic Piano roll & play panel bugs Musical Notation 1 12 years ago
Forum topic Support for external synthesizers and MIDI ports (IN+OUT) Musical Notation 8 12 years ago
Forum topic Importing invisible tempos and dynamics Musical Notation 1 12 years ago
Forum topic Should tablature algorithms be mentioned in the manual? Musical Notation 0 12 years ago
Issue Down note stem in Drumset dialog are up and mirrored chen lung 4 12 years ago
Forum topic Starting second voice in a measure Danielle Celeste 16 12 years ago
Issue memory peacerv 6 12 years ago
Issue Redesigning features page Thomas 10 12 years ago
Issue [MusicXML] MusicXML from Sibelius comes up blank Svish 11 12 years ago
Forum topic How do you change where text anchors? Crinzi 2 12 years ago
Forum topic Percussion parts bostonfan941 0 12 years ago
Forum topic Percussion parts bostonfan941 0 12 years ago
Forum topic Time Signature: Set Invisible, Appears twice or more! flutejes 3 12 years ago
Forum topic 3/4 time signature not aligned darryl_ 2 12 years ago
Issue Title entered after score creation not placed correctly chen lung 10 12 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore Crash: How to open .MSCZ, Spencer Bures 1 12 years ago
Issue Titel-Text wird in den ersten Notentakt gesetzt wenn nachtraeglich nur ueber Einfuegen -> Text -> Titel eingegeben wird. 8 12 years ago
Issue Wrong resolution in the PNG header Olivier Berten 2 12 years ago
Forum topic Another question - trying to write practice routines using MIDI Luthierzan 3 12 years ago